A CVS Aloe Plant and 4 Other Things That Have Pleasantly Surprised Me This Fall

By |Published On: October 20, 2022|

Wow. October has been filled with so many experiences I’ve wanted to share with you! To start us off, here are 5 things that have pleasantly surprised me this month, in no particular order.

#1. The spectacular degree of yellow-orangeness that the tree outside of my living room window has achieved – yet again!

Yes, I knew it was coming. But the memory of fall trees is never quite as vibrant as seeing the real thing reemerge. The change still feels like a wonderful surprise every year. (This time of year also consistently begs the question: “Is fall in State College more gorgeous? Or spring?!”)

#2. Cute new park alert!

East Fairmount. Soon to be home to State College’s most adorable park? Seems likely. I drove by today and did a double take when I saw the new pavilion and playground equipment where a sprawling, empty field used to be! Love that this tucked away little corner of the Highlands neighborhood is getting a makeover and can’t wait for a picnic or two next summer once the grass has grown in.

#3. ReFarm Café is way cooler than I thought it was going to be.

And I thought it was going to be quite cool! But my impression that this was another standard farm to table restaurant, doing standard farm to table things, was way off. This 57-acre local gem – with the restaurant situated on the farm, reclaimed wood floors from the old State High auditorium stage, and competing carrot fields to see which will produce a better-tasting carrot – goes ten layers deep and you can feel it.

Don’t get me wrong, you’ll definitely walk away having had an excellent meal. (I’m still thinking about the black garlic sauce on the lamb and the surprise post-salad course lemon verbena tincture!) But the beauty of ReFarm is about so much more than the food. It’s the community care, passion for innovative and regenerative practices, and a patient commitment to learning together that makes this a one-of-a-kind State College treasure.

Make a reservation and show up with your questions and curiosity. (Preferably in time to watch the sunset from the hammock on the property before your meal!) You’ll leave feeling intensely proud that this exists in our town.

Pictured: ReFarm’s alfresco dining area at sunset, a lemon verbena tincture with the fresh plant to educate guests about what they were drinking, wildflowers at the entrance to the café (the tangerine marigolds ended up on our cheese plate!), and reclaimed wood floors from State High’s auditorium

#4. Handmade pastels at Uncle Eli’s

I recently rented a studio space in Bellefonte – somewhere to rekindle my art practice, plan for what the next season of my life might look like as I close down my greeting card business, and write newsletters for this awesome local initiative I’m a part of. 😉

On a mission to restock my pastel supply last week, I headed to Uncle Eli’s to poke around and found some absolutely scrumptious handmade ones. For me, there are few joys in life quite like shopping for new art supplies and this experience was made even better by the kindness and helpfulness of the employees, who complimented my outfit and sent me out into my Tuesday afternoon feeling like a million bucks. (Hi, Brooke and Co!)

#5. The Tale of Peggy and Dick

To round out my list of pleasant surprises? Let’s travel 20 minutes out of town to McAlevys Fort, PA! This summer, it became apparent that it was well past time for my 17-year-old orange pickup truck to… retire. And when I tell you that selling my 4-wheeled bestie for scrap resulted in one of the most charming experiences of my life, you might question my judgment. But Value Auto Salvage, located behind owner Dick and wife Peggy’s home, with hanging baskets, rose bushes, and a trail cam set up so they can watch possums and racoons join their cats for a meal on the porch, was not the “scrap yard” I expected.

We signed paperwork on the picnic table and I left with a giant aloe plant that Peggy bought at CVS three years ago and has nurtured ever since, a Christmas cactus cutting, moon plant seeds, an orange-blooming amaryllis, and an hour’s worth of stories about their life together and the many adventures of their cats Buster and Pinky.

When I texted Peggy to let her know that her aloe had made it home safely, she invited us to stop by and visit any time we’re in the area. I’m obviously trying to figure out how to “be in the area” again very soon!

Pictured: Dick and Peggy (photo courtesy of Peggy!) and the inherited CVS aloe plant on its move from McAlevys Fort to State College.

I hope your fall has been full of pleasant surprises, too! But if not, come visit? State College (and its surroundings) seem to be full of ‘em.

Laura Mustio made her way to State College via Pittsburgh in 2015. Her writing celebrates our area’s hidden gems, treasured locals, and not-to-be-missed experiences.

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