Did You Know…?
NASA has a satellite with mission control in State College!
NASA has a satellite with mission control in State College!
Famous cookies, nonprofit love, and SO many books! Here's a quick list of the things we've been excitedly telling our friends about lately...
This is what’s possible when people are serious about being less serious. About infusing work with fun. About building a community that gets to close the laptop, hang out face to face, and work on making the great place we live even greater.
Waupelani Drive in State College and Bald Eagle State Park are 28 miles apart, but have an intimate connection…
We saw Bruce Springsteen’s sold-out show at the Bryce Jordan Center on Saturday and hiked around a sunny Rothrock State Forest on Sunday. Both destinations required a less-than-15 minute drive – an experience which feels so State College.
A State High grad was recently a contestant on this beloved gameshow!
Yes, it’s “officially” spring. But locals know it’ll still be several more weeks before we get to experience that joy-in-the-soul, everything’s-gonna-be-okay kind of weather in abundance.
State College is likable... and bikeable! Our reputation as a bike friendly community continues to get even friendlier.
Dating apps, tacos, and spring break! Here's a quick list of the cool local things we've been telling our friends about lately...
Between frequent walks outside (no matter the temperature) and remembering to take advantage of our local cultural amenities and fun downtown restaurant scene, it’s getting far easier to experience winters in State College that feel restful, rejuvenating, and fun instead of long and dreary.