Did You Know…?
We've got great trees all over town because someone was thinking ahead...
We've got great trees all over town because someone was thinking ahead...
Finally... the State College gear we've always wanted!
State College neighborhoods feature houses purchased from this famous catalog!
Music festivals, foodie fun, & sister cities! Here's a quick list of things we've been excitedly telling our friends about lately...
We think you deserve a list compiled by people who actually live here, not algorithms. Here are 30+ fun ideas to get you out and about when the weather’s trying to keep you in.
How violets picked from a friend's backyard can be a remedy for grief and why I mix in my salad dressing by hand.
NASA has a satellite with mission control in State College!
Famous cookies, nonprofit love, and SO many books! Here's a quick list of the things we've been excitedly telling our friends about lately...
This is what’s possible when people are serious about being less serious. About infusing work with fun. About building a community that gets to close the laptop, hang out face to face, and work on making the great place we live even greater.
Waupelani Drive in State College and Bald Eagle State Park are 28 miles apart, but have an intimate connection…