Our Tiny Local Airport is a “Treat Yourself” Experience
Flights out of State College are typically pricier than Pittsburgh, Philly, or Harrisburg, but it’s wonderful to have the option to treat yourself to this ultra-convenient way to travel.
Flights out of State College are typically pricier than Pittsburgh, Philly, or Harrisburg, but it’s wonderful to have the option to treat yourself to this ultra-convenient way to travel.
A rave for babies, big screen famous bows, and a soon-to-be skate park! Here's a quick list of the cool local things we've been telling our friends about lately...
It’s been interesting to notice how a slowed-down pace of life, connection with community, and the stability that comes with time spent outdoors, still – seemingly automatically – infuse day to day life in small doses, even in times when I feel quite disconnected from it all.
State College holds a Guinness World Record for this really "cool" thing!
I’ve been sharing State College stories with you for almost a full year now and I’m constantly amazed by how different my experience is these days. I’m delighted to report that I’ve found the tip of a really wonderful community iceberg.
I’m doing my best to intentionally scoop up and soak in these “catch them while you can” moments before they’re gone again for another year. And in true State College fashion, my Fall Highlight Reel is gathering memorable experiences both big and so small that you might totally miss them if you didn’t live in a place that allowed you to regularly slow down and notice.
Maybe it’s because fall feels a little more mysteeeerious than all of the other seasons. But lately, I’m becoming aware of something interesting. State College is full of secret trap doors.
Wow. October has been filled with so many experiences I’ve wanted to share with you! To start us off, here are 5 things that have pleasantly surprised me this month, in no particular order.
We’re this close to side-of-the-road piles of farm pumpkins popping up just outside of town, mum shopping at Sammis Greenhouse, and that joyful reunion with our full lineup of cozy clothes!
It’s a Wednesday afternoon and this is not a drill. This is my real life and I am currently “at work.”