A Secret Trap Door and a Purse Full of Candy Wrappers
Maybe it’s because fall feels a little more mysteeeerious than all of the other seasons. But lately, I’m becoming aware of something interesting. State College is full of secret trap doors.
Maybe it’s because fall feels a little more mysteeeerious than all of the other seasons. But lately, I’m becoming aware of something interesting. State College is full of secret trap doors.
Wow. October has been filled with so many experiences I’ve wanted to share with you! To start us off, here are 5 things that have pleasantly surprised me this month, in no particular order.
Maggie Anderson is into implied breakfast sandwich puns. Especially when they involve freshly baked rolls and roasted red pepper cream cheese.
I wrote the whole place off in one “It’s just for kids!” swoop and never looked back. Until this summer.
If you want to actually see the booths and walk through the festival at more than a sleepy-herd-of-cows-on-a-summer’s-day pace, this is your golden ticket.
I’ve realized that for a whole bunch of years, I was consuming all of the cool things about State College, but not fully participating. I was showing up with more of a “what does this town have to offer me?” kind of vibe, instead of also considering what I had to offer in return.
Just last week, as my to do list was piling up and I started to feel the overwhelm set in, I quickly threw on a pair of flip flops that didn’t match my outfit (have yet to run into the Fashion Police around town), looped around the block for 10 minutes, and experienced that downshift.
We got into our car, incredible-smelling artisan pizza and greens in tow. And as we crested the hill on South Atherton, heading back towards town, we saw it.
Since a majority of the students have left for the summer, we’re all getting ready for The Big Shift. This is the time of year where State College transitions into a playground for locals.
Do you know about the secret society of utter magic and fun that’s a part of foraging for these elusive forest treasures each spring? Before moving to State College, these wild mushrooms weren’t on my radar at all.