A Day in the Life

By |Published On: October 5, 2022|

Maggie Anderson is into implied breakfast sandwich puns. Especially when they involve freshly baked rolls and roasted red pepper cream cheese.

Rediscover State College’s Maggie Anderson wears many hats around town — from her part-time job at ClearWater Conservancy, a local land trust focused on conserving our natural resources and connecting people to the beautiful places around them, to projects like Happy Valley Restaurant Week and occasional freelance writing. Last Wednesday, she followed her usual local-food-focused path — with a few extra treats thrown in.

Wednesday, Sept. 21

7:30 a.m.

Wednesdays are typically my busiest, run-around-town days, and very much in spite of that, I drink only black coffee in the morning. My husband, Quentin, and I started ordering from Rich Coast Coffee (same owners as the also excellent Shy Bear Brewing in Lewistown) during the pandemic when they were delivering beer in town, and we got hooked on the Organic Mexican Chiapas beans.

After coffee, which I drink sitting on my couch snuggling my beagle or my cat — both, if I’m lucky — I usually slowly transition to work from the New York Times Crossword or my library book. I get in a few emails and then usually far enough into a task that when 10:30 hits, I’m rushing out the door to Trader Joe’s.

10:30 a.m.

At Trader Joe’s I drive around back — I’m here to pick up donated food for the Community Cafe at St. Andrew’s. Dozens of banana boxes loaded in my 4Runner, I drive down Atherton Street wondering where the construction detours will take me this time. Fellow volunteers and I unload at the church on Fraser Street, and I’m usually out the door with a bunch of mostly dead flowers (also donated from Trader Joe’s, sometimes revivable. I always try.)

11:15 a.m.

Next I head to the library, another habit I developed in the pandemic when hours for book pickup were very limited. But I like keeping on a schedule — both my “to be read” and pending requests lists are a bear to manage, and once a week to both return and pickup keeps me (somewhat) honest.

Sometimes I run across the street for a bottled Thai iced tea from Cozy Thai, or run down to Webster’s Bookstore Cafe for my absolute favorite breakfast sandwich Great Expectations.

I had to look this up but they do not, in fact, call it Great Eggspectations, but I believe the joke is there anyway. (By the way, this scrambled egg, cheddar cheese, roasted red pepper cream cheese with greens on a roll is available any time of day and excellent whenever you choose to eat it.)

Then I head back up North Atherton to ClearWater Conservancy, where I continue my day job as event & volunteer coordinator. Always something different happening, but right now we’re working on planning our Annual Meeting coming up later this month as well as our Art & Chocolate fundraiser that happens every February. Mark your calendars for Feb. 3, 2023, at 3 Dots Downtown!

4:30 p.m.

After I wrap up at the office I head home (a five-minute drive, even at 5 p.m.) to sit on my new hammock chair on my back deck. I’m getting really into birds (just entered my late 30s, so it’s inevitable) and I like to spend time just sitting out there staring at the trees and listening to who’s around. I start drinking a New Trail Brewing hazy but I don’t finish it before I leave to meet my friend Angela at Pine Grove Hall.

6 p.m.

We’ve been wanting to try the new Cuban-inspired casual fare menu (this menu rotates like the main one but is only available on Wednesdays, Sundays, and late nights) and it is as good as we knew it would be. We both order the Pine Grove Sour and bartender Sc’Eric Horner teases me for ordering a sour when it’s rainy out. “The egg whites refuse to shake in bad weather,” he says. You could have fooled me — the drink is extremely delicious, as expected. We order half the menu and leave feeling pleasantly stuffed.

At home, I don’t finish that beer from earlier — I will wait until tomorrow when I sit on the deck again, staring at the trees and listening.

Follow @maggieruth266 on Instagram for more occasional food finds and pics of her beagle in the woods.

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