Did You Know…?

By |Published On: January 21, 2025|

406 S. Pugh Street, former home of the Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity and future offices of Centre Helps.

One of the functions of the State College Redevelopment Authority (or RDA, for short) is to provide seed funding for projects that reinvigorate past-their-prime properties in the Borough.

One example? The former Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity house at 406 S. Pugh Street is currently receiving a major facelift. Once a rundown building in disrepair, the RDA is facilitating a renovation that will transform the property into a new home for Centre Helps’ offices, allowing them to expand their suicide hotline and other services. The building will also feature four affordable and fully accessible housing units.

While key to supporting the health and wellbeing of State College residents, redevelopment projects like this are often passed over by private developers because of their lack of long term profit.

When no outside developers raised their hand to partner in the redevelopment of this declining property, the RDA committed to moving forward solo, ensuring that critical human services stay local and accessible.

Want to learn more? This spring, the RDA will launch a new website that will make it easier than ever to pursue community-first development partnerships in State College. In the meantime, attend a meeting on the 4th Wednesday of the month (243 S. Allen Street) or reach out via email!

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