What We’re Looking Forward to This Spring

By |Published On: April 4, 2023|

Pictured: Some of the Rediscover State College team enjoying a beverage at Voodoo Brewing’s State College stream-side outpost.

Sun’s out! Where to?

While the students crowd the patio at Cafe 210 West, locals know the springtime weather is best appreciated at different spots all across town. (Which isn’t to say we don’t love a good afternoon spent with a pitcher and our besties.) Here’s where the Rediscover State College team is heading when the temps rise!

Many of us agree that Voodoo Brewery is the spot to be in nice weather!

Katie says:

There’s great outdoor seating, great beer, and Maine Bay & Berry food is the best seafood you’ll get around town.

Matt says:

For me it’s getting back out at the driving range at the Penn State Golf Courses.

Brad says:

When the weather is nice, we like to pack up the family, grab some coffees and drive 15 minutes to Stone Valley. It’s our favorite hiking spot when you have little kids because the trails are flat, wide and well-maintained. The big lake is so peaceful for skipping stones and there’s always a ton of bugs, birds and fish to see. Also, we always pull over at Jo Hays Vista on the way for the best overlook of town.

Pictured: The view from Jo Hays Vista (in August, but spring is beautiful too!).

Trevor says:

We head to Bernel Road Park – colloquially known as the Airport Park both for its location and theme. My kids absolutely love that park!

We hope your April is full of sunshine! Let us know where you’d like to be this spring in State College – maybe we’ll meet you there. 🙂

Rediscover State College’s Maggie Anderson wears many hats around town — from her part-time job at ClearWater Conservancy, a local land trust focused on conserving our natural resources and connecting people to the beautiful places around them, to projects like Happy Valley Restaurant Week and occasional freelance writing.

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