Mom Dates and Our Winter Toolkit

By |Published On: March 1, 2023|

We’ve been on a “dinner and a show” kick and it’s seriously helping to spice up this long stretch of post-holiday-season winter.

For Christmas, we gifted my mother-in-law a night out downtown. Our plan was to have dinner together at Allen Street Grill and then see Penn State Center Stage’s production of Everybody. The show’s schedule ended up being perfectly timed: It gave us something fun to look forward to after the holidays and was a welcome special occasion inserted into a time of year when motivation to leave the warmth and coziness of home is at a minimum.

As I learn each time I venture out during this season, though, it’s always worth it.

The Grill, not surprising to anyone, served up a fabulous dinner. We had grilled halloumi cheese with pistachio pesto, raw honey, and fresh figs. We tried seafood risotto and endive and beet salads and prosciutto with grilled grapes and goat cheese.

A white chocolate almond torte with winter citrus sealed the deal on a flawless meal. Happily stuffed, we packed up our leftovers, stashed them in the car, and headed to the theater.

Every time I see a show on campus I think, “Why don’t I see more shows on campus?!” The Pavillion Theater, a used-to-be livestock judging arena, was the backdrop for this unique student performance. The roles of the lead characters were assigned via lottery in front of our eyes to start the show, meaning that each performance was one-of-a-kind (and that each lead performer had to learn the entire script, instead of just one role!).


We had a blast and made the short walk back to the East Deck parking garage, discussing our favorite parts of the show and the remarkable talent of Penn State’s theater students. (In May, Center Stage will present a show featuring alumni who have gone on to Broadway.)

One of the serendipitous moments of the evening came when we walked past the State Theatre after dinner on the way to our car. We noticed that they’d be showing 2023’s Oscar-nominated short films the following weekend, when my mom was planning to visit from Pittsburgh.

If one night out on the town with a mom is good, a second is even better, right?!

So the following Friday night, my husband, my mom, and I found ourselves in the very back row of the State Theatre’s balcony after another fun dinner downtown at, once again (!), Allen Street Grill.

(I can confirm that we do actually frequent other downtown restaurants. Central Reservation, India Pavilion, Roots Natural Kitchen, Cozy Thai, Irving’s, Little Szechuan… we love you all! But we’d been waiting for an opportunity to introduce her to ASG and tonight was, coincidentally, the night.)

Every time I see a show at the State Theatre I think, “Why don’t I see more shows at the State Theatre?!” (Are you sensing a theme?) I was surprised to see just how many interesting upcoming shows and performances were on their calendar and am wondering why I haven’t been paying closer attention!

In the next couple of months for example, they’ll show The Big Lebowski, screen the Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival, host an evening with David Sedaris, and open the stage to a Fleetwood Mac tribute band, among a much longer list of something-for-everyone events.

Back in our balcony seats, we laughed and cried along with the rest of the audience as we watched five brilliant, animated shorts. And then we walked two chilly blocks to our car and were back home in cozy clothes not long after.

In March, friends are coming to visit and we’ll see Bruce Springsteen at the Bryce Jordan Center. Another exciting night out to look forward to while we’re all on the slow ride to spring.

Every year, my “How to make winter a season to look forward to” toolkit gets a little bigger. And between frequent walks outside (no matter the temperature) and remembering to take advantage of our local cultural amenities and fun downtown restaurant scene, it’s getting far easier to experience winters in State College that feel restful, rejuvenating, and fun instead of long and dreary.

Laura Mustio made her way to State College via Pittsburgh in 2015. Her writing celebrates our area’s hidden gems, treasured locals, and not-to-be-missed experiences.

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