I’m having a total “no duh” moment over here.
And I feel a little foolish. Because after more than 6 years of living in State College (and a lifetime of living in Pennsylvania), I feel like I’ve finally figured out how to beat winter.
To clarify, I don’t mean that I’ve found a way to have a great time in spite of winter. I mean that I’ve found a way to have a great time because of it.
Why do I feel foolish? Because the “how” of it is laughably simple. (There’s a good chance I should actually be embarrassed to admit what I’m about to share with you.)
But the truth is, you don’t get it until you get it. And this year, I finally got it.
You can win winter by going outside for 10 minutes every day.
I have so much to tell you, but I’ll start with this.
If the winter blues show up at your door in January with a suitcase in each hand, ready to be all up in your face until April, this one’s for you.
And I’m about to share how living in State College hands you spirit-lifting, smile-rediscovering wintertime joy on a silver platter. Even if you only venture outside for 600 seconds each day.

I’ve mentioned before that thriving during the winter in State College requires a plan.
So this year, in January, I gave myself a challenge.
Go outside for at least 10 minutes every day for an entire month.
Did I know that I should occasionally see the outside of my house, breathe fresh air, and get a little sun on my face in the winter? I did.
Was I regularly doing those things? Of course I most certainly was not.
So to give myself a friendly kick in the butt, I turned it into a challenge with a finite time period and a luxurious treat at the end if I succeeded. (More on that in a minute.)
Here’s the kicker.
I fully expected to throw on my winter layers and trudge around the block, clocking my 10 minutes down to the second and doing my best to get back inside as soon as possible. I even figured out that the first two songs on Beyoncé’s self-titled album came in at 10 minutes and 25 seconds and made that my official playlist!
But as it turns out?
I freaking loved it out there.
I wish you were there to experience it too, because the little discoveries and surprises I found each time I walked around my neighborhood and the nearby woods made me appreciate where I get to live on a whole new level.

I discovered some important things on these walks.
One? It’s WAY sunnier in the winter than I thought. I realized that part of my “dark, gray, depressing” perception was because I was inside too much and often didn’t even notice when the sun was out!
Two? Birds. So many birds. Another preconceived notion I had was that everything was just dead and barren out there! But solo walks through the woods gave me a front row seat to so much activity. (Have you ever walked by a snow-filled tree that surprised you with a gang of cardinal friends perched inside? Your heart will burst.)
I heard so much cheerful birdsong and saw little hints of life everywhere.
Three. I realized that ten minutes a day was more than enough time to get present, take some invigorating deep breaths, slow down, and truly notice.
I mean, seriously. I can walk out my front door and be in Walnut Springs Park in 3 minutes. (And downtown in 20… best of both worlds!)
Close proximity to a nervous-system-calming, tree-filled area is one of the best gifts that State College can give:
direct access to the downshift.
Each time I came in from a walk, I took a few notes. So many of those notes ended in exclamation points.
Glitter snow!
It’s sunny! Again!
Met a puppy!
Fire smell!
I can say with confidence that this is the first winter that I’ve ever felt a twinge of sadness at the idea of the season coming to an end.
I think what has thrilled me so much about this challenge is the realization that State College makes it so easy to reinfuse joy, presence, lightheartedness, connection with nature, and deeeep breaths into everyday life.
Just stepping outside and paying attention in this town is a gift.
So. I will 100% be continuing this practice for the rest of the winter. (And because spring here is a fairytale of colorful blooming trees, wonderful smells, and happy new flowers, maybe I’ll just keep going?!)
But in the meantime, I’ll be pampering myself and enjoying my reward for completing the challenge: a session in the Himalayan salt therapy room at Simply Health Salt Spa! (When you go, do NOT pass up the hot butter hand treatment. Trust me on this.)
Okay, that’s what’s been going on in my world lately, but when are you coming to experience it for yourself?!
There’s a path through the wintertime woods calling your name. 😉

Laura Mustio made her way to State College via Pittsburgh in 2015. Her writing celebrates our area’s hidden gems, treasured locals, and not-to-be-missed experiences.