I’m writing this from a rocking chair on the front porch of Way Fruit Farm!
The sun’s out and it’s really quiet except for the occasional hum of farm equipment in the distance and cars pulling in and out of the parking lot.
Oh! And the two little sisters in matching pink tops who tumbled out of the car with their mom and immediately bounced right up to me, declaring their names and showing me their ages with tiny fingers and excitedly revealing their afternoon plans. “We’re going to play on the playground and then have lunch!“

I drove the 20 minutes from State College this morning to pick up a few treasures from the farm’s expansive-while-also-devastatingly-charming indoor market and to have a BLT from their cafe for lunch, because all I want to eat lately is BLTs.
So I perused baskets of peaches and plums, stood in awe of the most diverse wall of pickled things I’ve ever seen, picked up a bottle of local maple syrup and a pumpkin cream cheese whoopie pie (!!!) for later, and temporarily satisfied my ongoing sandwich craving.
Now I’m sitting outside with the can of watermelon mint kombucha (thanks, Moody Culture!) that I bought inside and thinking one thing:
It’s a beautiful day.

When I look to the left, I see painted white rocking chairs and benches in the shade of the storefront, a stack of hay bales, and an overflowing planter filled with flowers. A group of elderly ladies meets in the parking lot and walks inside with birthday gifts in hand. When I look to the right I see a swing set, picnic table, and a field of sunflowers across the road. (Okay, and two blue port-a-potties and a red Honda. Gotta keep it real, even if it slightly diminishes the mental aesthetic I’m building for you!)
It’s a Wednesday afternoon and this is not a drill. This is my real life and I am currently “at work.”
Like I said. Beautiful day.

So, if you’re now imagining yourself in the rocker next to me, enjoying this moment with your own refreshing drink or snack in hand? Welcome! (Quite the view, huh?)
What do you say we wrap this up and get back to enjoying it?

Laura Mustio made her way to State College via Pittsburgh in 2015. Her writing celebrates our area’s hidden gems, treasured locals, and not-to-be-missed experiences.