We Can Do This!

By |Published On: March 21, 2023|

It’s late March in Central PA.

In the last couple of weeks, it snowed. It hailed. It was 65 degrees. It snowed again.

Those of us who didn’t travel somewhere warm for spring break are wandering around with a wild look in our eyes.

Those who did seek out warmer climates and abundant vitamin D are probably a little better off, but even they had to deal with the reality check that comes with spending a week somewhere paradise-y and then returning home to cold and bluster.

Yes, as of yesterday, it’s “officially” spring. But locals know it’ll still be several more weeks before we get to experience that joy-in-the-soul, everything’s-gonna-be-okay kind of weather in abundance.

Once we do finally cross that threshold – when we’re in the dirt planting our flowers, biking down Allen Street and celebrating the colorful, blooming trees, sitting outside for the first long lunch of the season at Otto’s, and driving with the windows down – we’ll remember, like we do every year, that the endurance test of these final, wintery weeks is always worth it. Spring in Central PA is a dream, and – we’d boldly claim! – offers up some of the nicest weather in the country.

I’m filled with so much hope each year when I see the first crocuses pop up.

These are “Don’t forget! We’re almost there! You’re doing great!” cheerleaders, sprouting in purple, yellow, and white.

And each time it snowed in the past few weeks, I comforted myself with dreams of springtime foraging. This year, I’m going to be on the lookout for wild violets, in hopes of making this beautiful vinegar!

Two weeks ago, a friend and I drove 40 minutes to Huntingdon to hike and explore Maya Lin’s Peace Chapel. We sat in the woods and shared tea and life updates, ate snacks, and soaked up the sun from the chapel’s stone circle.

Pictured: Summertime at Maya Lin’s Peace Chapel, photo courtesy of Juniata Presents

Last Monday evening, I sat with 20 others and listened to a recording of Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares, a Bulgarian women’s choir, as a part of Gorinto Productions’ weekly listening series at 3 Dots. We got cozy, closed our eyes, listened to the entire album together, and then talked about it afterwards. It was wonderful to slow down and just listen for an hour and was a great way to start the week.

The warm weather will be here soon and yes, it’ll feel like total relief when it finally arrives! Before we know it, we’ll be back into the busyness and activity of spring and summer. Now, I’m still riding the wave of the tug of war that happens in March. Looking forward to something new, while trying to be present. Taking winter’s final invitations to slow down and go inward, while intentionally looking for signs of what’s coming.

Laura Mustio made her way to State College via Pittsburgh in 2015. Her writing celebrates our area’s hidden gems, treasured locals, and not-to-be-missed experiences.

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